What terbesit in our mind when hearing the word event organizer? Definitely will immediately think oarng ones managing the event. People who are involved in the world of this EO definitely need manajemn excellent.
Why is that? We are trying to think, a company EO certainly not only handle an event just right. Surely more than one and also possibly the bersamaa event, it must be an EO firms in need of a good management and systematic.
As the quote from umy.ac.id, as expressed Intan Linggarti which is the Coordinator of the Workshop "Event Maximum, Optimal Management" at an event Department of Communication Studies, University of Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta.cara membuat instagram
Menuerut him, the services of EO event organizers it is a service which requires a systematic management as well as the need perseverance, because in a company EO it requires the cooperation of the team.
EO management
use the existing momentum (Image: Google)
That is because the profession will be found deadine, target, scdheduling, pressure, teamwork and solidarity. Well EO also required in order to organize a successful event by using a concept and guidelines for working professionals.contoh laporan keuangan
He also said, "The concept of this EO is known by Indonesia in the 1990s, which became popular in atahun 1998 after the economic crisis era. Karana banayak labor need another livelihood, well one of them is the EO itself.
To be able to establish an EO own business there are things that need we noticed such a network (network), capital that we have, human resources dianamis, easy to work in teams, as well as a hard worker, kreatis, innovative. We must also be sensitive to any developments because it was a key to success of EO. "
In the event, the expectations of IK UMY is that the students get a new science to be able to carry out a good show as well as optimal. And also without leaving a supporter of good management as well as an optimization of the success of the event.
While the speaker in the workshop were Pmebicara of Indonesia Reggae Community (IRC) named Wobal. He explained bawasannya an EO must consider several things.pengertian akuntansi
Well one thing to note is the proposal. Surely you wonder why not another proposal. Penjelasnnya is this proposal is the first time will attract clients to help by using our EO.
So in the proposal instead of a lot of writing, but offers a creative and supported by the ability to present the concept of the show that we created earlier.
The next thing to consider is the promotion Yag, like any other item Eo services also requires sebauh sale to be recognized by consumers. In this case Wobal explained that the promotion is done the same with other promotional products.
This promotion dpat form of banners, banners, brochures, and others. Well its not Klah importance is a company EO should be partnering or menggnadeng media partner. It is very necessary by an EO.siklus akuntansi
Thus the explanation of management sitemetis contained in EO. Hopefully useful article. So, I'll see you on the other artkel.